Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"This beer tastes like crap" - Elder Mendenhall

Hey guys!!

It's been a crazy first week in the field. I got to Munich on Monday morning. We got Döners and they taste awesome. I got assigned to the Haag, Saltzburg area!! Its in northern Austria in the middle of nowhere. We are surrounded by farm fields, but it has been awesome. We get a car in our area and Sister Lex (my cousin) is in my District!!

On Tuesday my MTC group said a sad goodbye and went our different ways. We got pretty close in the MTC and to say that no one cried would be a lie. Luckily, three of us are still in the same Zone so well see each other at zone conference.

My trainer is Elder Mendenhall. He is from St. George Utah and is a blast. He has been out for 10 months on his mission and is an awesome missionary. We are working hard, but having lots of fun together. We do mostly knocking for finding here and it takes a long time because places are so spread out. So far we have had little success but we hope that it will improve. We also had a service project cleaning out members basement and yard. They had some alcohol free beer and that is where the subject comes in.

The members here are so fun, and when they invite us over for food, it's amazing. I still can't say much, so I just sit and eat while everyone talks. I love the food!

We had church on Sunday and I got to introduce myself and bare my testimony. I was expecting that. What I wasn't prepared for was to bless that sacrament and sight-sing a choir song as one of 3 guys and 4-5 girls. In German. It was an adventure to be sure.

Yesterday, Monday, we went to Linz to help the elders there and stayed over night. I was with Elder Dawson and we went finding and had a dinner appointment with some members. It was way fun. This morning, we left early to catch the train and had an unfortunate mishap. We discovered on the train that our cards that we use as tickets are not valid tickets until after 8 am every morning. SO, we got 120 euro fine for trying to ride the train with out a ticket. Not a mistake we are planning on making again.

So it has been an amazing first week here in Austria. I hope to be able to get down German someday but right now its just an adventure. I hope you all are doing well and having fun. I love and miss you guys!!
    -Elder Wiser
MTC Goodbyes
Elder Mendenhall and I
Saying Goodbye in Germany
Hey Cousin - Sister Lex and Elder Wiser!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Elder Wiser Assigned

We received an email from Sister Brown and she notified us that Elder Wiser will be trained in Haag, Austria.  He will be companions with Elder Mendenhall.  We are super excited for him to be in Austria and to be able to get things underway.  He will meet his trainer today and start this next phase of his journey.

From Sister Brown;

Here they are cheering for each other as they get their new assignments…it is almost like opening their mission calls again :)

Monday, August 21, 2017

On German Soil!!!!


I have officially made it to Germany! The flying was not long, but the airport was very hectic and crazy. I had a gel explode in my backpack before security (still not sure how I got through) and then we almost missed our connecting flight. We almost weren't let through the security at Amsterdam because of visa problems and had to run to catch our flight. We only made it because for some reason it was delayed five minutes (blessing of prayer and mission work). I'll write you again soon! I love you! 

Elder Wiser

The Call

Elder Wyett Wiser has been Called to serve in the Alpine German Speaking Mission.  He reported to the Preston England Missionary Training Center on July 12, 2017.  After 6 weeks of intensive training in both missionary work and the german language his is on his way to Munich to be assigned his first mission area and companion.

MTC Photos