Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A harp and more fun!

Hey everyone!!

This was a pretty great week, though very busy. We have had a lot of fun so far. The new apartment is awesome! It used to be a sisters apartment when there were missionaries living here, but now we get it! It is so nice, they even have a harp in there! Crazy!!

Elder Hilton and I have been hitting the streets hard to open this area. We have had a little success and met our first new investigator! Her name is Almas and is way awesome! Hopefully we will get to spend more time with her.

Other then finding, we have had a couple short service projects and gotten to know some people in the ward. It has been nice because Elder Hilton used to go to this ward in the Linz A area anyway, so he knows the ward members already. Of course because we are so young out on the mission, this is Elder Hilton's 4th transfer and my 3rd, our German has been an adventure but so far it is going okay. We are still waiting for someone with a crazy dialect neither of us know to come blow us out of the water, but we have been lucky so far haha. Only time will tell!!

In way of news, we have a new missionary in our district from Hungry, Elder Reti! He's a blast!! Other adventures this week include a pantless man on the trams. To be fair he had pants, they were just pulled down. I don't think I ever want to sit on public transport again lol. We also were taken out for ice cream today by some members and that was awesome!! It has been a good and full week!

Scripture of the week!

Luke 17:32 "Remember Lot's wife."

 Simple, but there is a lot of meaning behind it. I listened to a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland this week that was absolute fire titled Remember Lot's wife. I highly recommend it to everyone. As missionaries we work a lot with other people to help them better there lives and as we do this, we get to look into our own lives as well. It is important to remember where we have been, but not to stay there. Life is about progression and when we dwell in the past we wont get anywhere. Amazingly, our Loving Heavenly Father has provided us with a way to progress and change through the Atonment of Jesus Christ. Thanks to Christ, it doesnt matter where we've been or what we've done, just where we are and where we are going. We all have the potential of greatness!

I love you guys and hope that you all have an amazing week! Have an amazing Thanksgiving in America and enjoy some Turkey for me!

Much Love,
Ältester Wiser

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Closing to Whitewash

Hey sorry I don't have much time! My area in Haag is being closed and I am going to open a new area, Linz B with Elder Hilton who is one transfer older the  me! It should be fun!

"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them" 2 Kings 6:16

Never fear what man can do because God and his protecting angles are with us. We are on the winning side!

Lovo you guys!

Elder Wiser

Pictures from Hallstadt