Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Photos from the Week!

Cousins in the same zone again!


How are you all?? I'm doing pretty good over here in Switzerland! The sun's finally peaked his head out of the clouds a little and summer is sending us rays of hope and warmth.

Things have been pretty good lately. We've been doing a bunch of finding, but it's going well. The first bit was real hard for me because the people here all speak Swiss German. I couldn't understand anything on the street my first week, but it's gotten better. Somewhat lol. But it's been a good learning experience for sure

We've also had some killer P days as well. Last week we were on a mountain called Rigi. Way good, we ended up seeing the Luzern sisters there as well. It was so pretty. Sadly I made the mistake of putting a box of Apple juice in my backpack for the trip. I ended up falling in the snow at some point and it ended up going everywhere. Good news is, I survived, and we found out the Apple juice snow actually tastes pretty good!

Today I also had the opportunity to go to the temple! It was so nice to go back! I haven't had the opportunity to go since I was in the MTC so it was so good. I didn't expect everyone one to speak French though ha ha. There is a French part of Switerland and the languages kind of get all mixed up there and the temple is where a lot of French speakers live. It made for a good time. If you haven't been to the temple lately, take some time to go, the feeling there is amazing.

Scrip of the week : 2 Nephi 32 : 9
  But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

Week before last, our DL Elder Keir (legend) asked us to be prayerful in everything we do as missionaries. I've thought about that a lot since and I've really focused on being a prayerful missionary. Then yesterday we came across this scripture in Gospel Principles class. I have noticed in my missionary work and my person performance, the more I let the Savior in, the better it goes. That's how it is in everything in life. If we put it in the Lord's hands, there's no way it can go wrong!

I love you all! Hope you have a good week and are enjoying the sun like I am!

Elder Wiser

Elder Allison on a Unicycle.
Die Bürri Familie
Me and Elder Keir and Sister Fischer! #MTClife
Mountain bikes
A local bridge burning
Me and Elder Parker at zone conference!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

No Letter for the Group :(


No Letter for the Group but a couple of Photos of fun P-Day activities.


Grüetzi Miteinand!

 Hey everyone! I hope your all doing well! Thanks so much for all your love and support!

Today I am writing from Aarau, Switzerland. It is way awesome here! It's so pretty. If you have never seen Switzerland, you should consider looking up some photos, it's so nice.

I had a great week this week. We ended things awesome in Linz by meeting with a potential. She was way cool and actually seemed to have a lot of interest. She was down to meet again in the future!

We also had church one last time in Haag am Hausruck. After we had lunch at the family Till. They were really great and made some killer food! This was the last time Elders will be in Haag for a while as the Wels Sisters are taking it over now. They have good things ahead!

On Sense at I took a train from Linz to Salzburg for and hour and then from there to Zürich. That second one took about 6 or so hours. It was good though. Then I took a train to Aarau, pretty short, just about 30 minutes. Aarau is a real cool area. I've gotten quite a healthy dose of Swiss German the past few days. It actually completely different then the Austrian German I've been used to. They also use a few French words here as well which is fun.

Yesterday we had district meeting and it was great. Afterward we did district finding in Aarau which was well good! Sister Fischer and Elder Keir from the MTV are in my district and they are lots of fun!

Scripture of the week! John 10:37-38

I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Wiser

1 Elder Keir and Elder Smith
2 Elder Allison
3 die Kuh
4 Preach`n