Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Book of Mormon Miricales

Hey guys!

This week was pretty good! We had Interviews with President on Wednesday and Zone Conference on Thursday. It was pretty great! During Zone Conference, we discussed finding with the Book of Mormon. It's a Book that literally changes lives! We made a goal as a zone to make every Friday our Book of Mormon finding day!

So the next day, we hit the streets with the Book of Mormon! We were taking to people on the street for about an hour and decided to sit on a bench for 5 minutes and catch our breath. We sat down and one or two minutes later a guy came up and said hello to us. A little taken aback we said Hi back and we asked if he knew us. He said no and just started talking to us. It was totally random. But we ended up talking about the Book of Mormon and we have him a copy in English! The cool thing is normally we only have German but had decided to take an English today for our finding day. We exchanged numbers and then walked off to continue our day. A few minutes later we got a text with a picture of us on the bench from a member. She and her friends had been behind us getting a drink together after school. Her friends noticed us and said hey aren't they from your Church. Then this member was able to have a really cool conversation about the gospel with her friends!

"All this because of a Book of Mormon?" - Elder Colloma

I know the Lord will help us when we need it! He is always there, it's just out job to give our best and try!

Love you all!

Elder Wiser

Temple trip with Elder Colloma 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Service, Service, Service!

Hey guys! Hope you all had a fantastic Mothers day! I got a chance to Skype home and see the family and it was great! I have the best Mom in the World! Love you Mama!

The past little while been great! We've been able to do a lot of Service! In the winter, there aren't as many opportunities to get our hands dirty, but lately we've been really busy with it, and miricales have come from that! However, the service we do as missionaries is not all just about digging in the dirt, it's also about loving the people and sometimes just giving our time, and lending a voice or an ear. I was recently on an exchange with Elder Smith in Wettingen and we had the oppurtunity to visit an old persons home. We went to a members room to a lady who couldn't speak, except for yes and no. We read the scriptures with her and it was an amazing experience. We could tell she was really thankful, especially for Elder Smith and his kindness, even though she could say it with words.

Of course we've also had some really cool experiences with getting our hands dirty. Last transfer we did a service project helping a member to clean her deck. Me and Elder Keir were in charge of de-potting and dumping plants in a compost container. One of the lady's neighbors came up pretty upset and told us that this container was just for the people living their and we couldn't just use it. We explained we were doing a service project for her neighbor and she was okay after that. This week we were back helping to finish off the deck and the Me her told us that her neighbor had talked to her after that day. She is interested in also having the missionaries help her with some service. She said it would be fine when the missionaries also shared a spiritual thought. The cool part is, this member had been looking for years to find a way to introduce the Gospel to this neighbor, and now through Service she had one!

Matthew 22 : 37-40
    "37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

I love you all! Take some time this week to show someone you love them! It could well be that you will answer someone's prayers. Or maybe your own prayers will be answered in the act of service! Hope you have a great week!

Elder Wiser

1. Me and Elder Coloma
2. Dying in the heat! Elder Coloma, Elder Fewou, and Elder Smith