Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Golden Tausch of Glory and a Family Reunion

Hey everyone!!

It has been a long week this week, but a good one! Sometimes so many things happen in a week here that I can't remember everything that we've done!

This week we had a lot of good eating appointments!! Our members are amazing and we always have lots of eating appointments. Its super nice to be able to get to know the members better. They are all so awesome!

We also had an aus tausch today and Elder Hilton from Linz came to the Haag area with me all day on Thursday and half of Friday. He was the transfer before me so we are still both greenies and it was super cool. We were able to understand and speak to people in german all day. There was only one time we have no idea what was going on the entire time and we were totally able to fake it! Pros haha! We had an interesting expirence where this old guy asked us if we were from Utah. He then invited us in and wanted to only talk about Utah. He has okay english and an obsession with Utah. He wanted nothing to do with the Gospel and wouldn't talk about it. He offered us help with anything we need and even offered us money just because we were from Utah! We told him to say hi to any future missionaries and talk to them and he told us he would if they were from Utah and if they weren't they he wouldn't let them in haha.

We also had a random experience at the train station. We were waiting for a train and this guy with piercings all over his face and weed colored shoe lases stood up and started preaching about "the gospel of Christ". Then some old guy started yelling at him to shut up and that everyone here already has their faith. They both just tried to yell over each other for a minute or two with the one reading of some scriptures and the old guy yelling at him. Then the preaching guy just sat down and a minute later he and his friend walked away. It was really random.

On Sunday I had one really awesome thing happen and one not so awesome thing happen. We usually have a meeting with our investigator Barbod every Sunday during church, because that's the best time for him to have lessons. This week he came very upset. We had scheduled a meeting appointment for this coming Friday. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication, and apparently he wanted us to be there this last Friday. Unaware of it, we had missed the appointment. We had called him on the Thursday before Friday to ask him if he would be at Church on Sunday and because of bad german on both of our sides of the call, he thought we cancelled the appointment and only cared about if he would be at Church on Sunday. He was very offended and has decided that he is never coming to Church again and that he doesn't want the lessons anymore. We are really sorry that it happened and are going to bring him by an apology cake this week.

But on the good side, my family from Graz came to Haag this week and we had a family lunch! They brought Sister Lex with them and it was super cool to see everyone and have lunch. It was weird to have it all in German but way fun! I'm super grateful that they came by and it really motivated me to work on my German and for the rest of the week so far.

So yah, its been a long and busy week, but a great one! More good news, THE GREEK MISSIONARIES HAVE BEEN IN THE FIELD A WEEK NOW! Good luck guys, you'll do great!

I hope you all have an amazing week! I love you all!! Bis Später!!

Elder Wi(e)ser   

me and a couple from my ward​

Family Reunion Fun

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