Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Emergency transfers and secret police

Hey guys!

Hope your doing well. Had a pretty good week over here, but not a whole bunch to say.

First off, my new companion, Elder Walton, is here! Hes pretty cool and we have a lot of fun together. Were really hoping to get some things going this transfer. We've also had a lot of our time taken up by legal stuff since Elder Walton has never been in Austria before and hes got to get a license now. Other then that we've been doing a lot of finding.

Had a cool experience finding the other day. We were talking to people, and ended up meeting a guy and teaching him most of the first lesson right after meeting him. He had a lot of questions, but it went well and we are going to met up again! The really cool part is that morning for personal study I had decided to go over the first lesson in Preach my Gospel to improve my teaching skills. Crazy how fast the Lord tests us sometimes!

We also had 2 awesome member appointments this week. I really love the members here, they are always so nice and great to work with. We are currently working a lot with member missionary work and it is fantastic to have such good feedback.

Crazy story of the week, we were on the tram at a stop when all of a sudden out of nowhere, multiple undercover cop cars showed up and people started running around. The police were all chasing a guy on and off the tram. They got him, and then the tram was allowed to drive away. It was pretty crazy, especially because it all happened so fast. Morale of the story, don't mess with the Austrians I guess.

Here's a quick spiritual thought for the week. 
Preach my Gospel Lesson 2 : The Plan of Salvation

" Wir müssen unseren Weg als Glaubende gehen, nicht als Schauende." 

" We must walk by faith rather than by sight. "

I found this phrase and I really love the simple way it wraps life up. Sometimes we get so caught up in the little things, we forget which way to walk. When we try and do everything walking by sight we will almost always miss something that we simply could not see. However when we walk by faith, we need not fear, because we know that God loves us, has a plan for us, and will do what is best for us. I have noticed this on my mission more then I ever have before. It is amazing what the Lord does to help us. We need only trust him and it will all be okay!

I love you all!!

Elder Wiser

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