Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Here we go again!

Hey guys! How's life?

Things are going good this week. Sometimes we have so many things happen in a week, I feel like I just lived a month in that week and it just couldn't possibly have only been one week. This was one of those weeks.

We started the week off right with Interviews with our mission president. They went well and it was really nice to get to talk to them. My mission president and wife are awesome! Anyways, during the Interview, President basically told me I will be staying in my area with Elder Golly next transfer. This is because it will technically be my 5th transfer here, though kind of third because two areas got merged and so I am in both. It's complicated ha ha. So I wasn't surprised when we got transfer calls Saturday.

Had some good finding this week. Another Deutsch Course which went good. It's been really nice to be in an area with 4 elders because we are able to plan and work together really well.

Saturday we went to get some visa stuff for Elder Golly and were told to come back on Monday. We ate lunch with the Mayers and it was fantastic! Sunday went well, we were in Haag am Hausruck for church. After we ate at the Branch Presidents house for lunch and it was great. In the evening we spent a fair amount of time locating a hospital to visit Günter. He is an awesome member who has really poor health. But he is really funny.

We had district meeting yesterday which was fun as always. One of the best parts of the week in my opinion. Sadly we will lose three of our district members next transfer. We ate at Burgerista after which has really good American burgers!👍

Things really went crazy yesterday morning when we went back to finish the visa stuff for Elder Golly. He was told that he could not get a new visa and could not stay long in the country. So he is getting emergency transferred to Passau. Which means that I am now getting my 5th Companion Elder Walton from Utah. Elder Golly is transferring on normal transfer day so that will be tomorrow. Could be an adventure.

Other random notes include getting checked by the Police again while driving. Good news is we survived. It took the officers a while to figure it all out, but I am legal in this country and Elder Golly was not driving with Alcohol in his system. #Blessed. Eventually we were allowed to keep going.

Spiritual thought!

Mormon 5:16
"16 For behold, the Spirit of the Lord hath already ceased to strive with their fathers; and they are without Christ and God in the world; and they are driven about as chaff before the wind"

I came upon this in personal study this week and it just jumped out at me. There are so many people in this world that I have meet that just don't want Christ in their lives. They think they are strong enough and that to follow Christ and to follow God is a pain and not worth the effort. They don't realize the peace and love they are missing out on. I am so glad to have Christ and God in my life and to know that they have a plan for me. I have a foundation that can not be knocked over by the tempest of the world, but will keep me firm and sound. And I am trying to help others to feel the Peace that comes from that. So if the missionaries come knocking on your door, just let them in and talk to them for a minute. I promise you won't regret it!

I love you all. I hope you are doing well! Keep it up!

Elder Wiser

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